Case Packer & Central Palletiser

by Greg Perry

Case Packer & Central Palletiser

Two case packers for 3 types of vacuumed formed muffin packs at up to 50 packs per minute. The cases are then closed, taped and labelled, and then fed to one of 2 palletisers. Finished pallets are feed through a stretch wrapper where an SSCC label is applied and then conveyed to a out feed buffer awaiting pickup by an operator.

Case Packer

by Greg Perry

Case Packer

Case packing of 3 types of vacuumed formed muffin packs at up to 50 packs per minute. Includes case erector, loading, close and taping with a direct feed to a central palletiser.

Factory Tour of ADDE – Nov 2021

by Greg Perry

Factory Tour of ADDE – Nov 2021

We have a range of interesting projects all coming to completion in our factory. COVID makes it difficult to invite visitors so we made this virtual tour to show you some of the cool projects on our floor. The projects include an automated tray handling system, a complete end of line packing system including case packers and a central palletiser, a donut dough sorting machine, a small footprint case packer, our Zero Footprint (ZFP) Palletiser, and a bin picking system with PickIt Software and Zivid camera.

High accuracy check weigh

by Greg Perry

High accuracy check weigh

This In Process Check system provides an extremely accurate ( 0.01mg) measurement of the powder in a blister pack. Using a Mettler Toledo weight scale the blister is weighed before and after each pocket is evacuated of powder to provide a high accuracy process check of the fill quantity. Using an ABB IRB 120 robot the blisters are processed from trays in the required order with all data logged.